A Lonely Ghost Burning A music discovery space.

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About Us

What is 'A Lonely Ghost Burning'?

A Lonely Ghost Burning is a music discovery space devoted to seeking, sharing and supporting new music. The current process is very simple: search Bandcamp (same old, same old...), find good records (yep...), then present them, one a day, track-by-track, as clips on Instagram Stories. At just 15 seconds per track, and no more than two-and-a-half minutes of listening total, the hope is that people will be able to gain a baseline of familiarity with a new record that inspires further engagement thereafter.

If you're more of a Spotify person, check out the Daily Showcase playlist, which features two tracks from each album chosen, and one track from each EP.


How do you find the music you feature?

Regularly searching through the new releases on Bandcamp (mostly).

What playlists are you actively running?

Daily Showcase: 2023 (Alternative, Pop, R&B, Singer-Songwriter, Folk, Rock)

Do you accept submissions?

Yes, albeit the vast majority of artists featured are initially discovered by searching through new releases on Bandcamp. Nevertheless, if you're releasing something that you think would be a good fit, you can send an email to the following address (delete the letters in CAPS): NOSPAMPLEASEsubmissions@alonelyghostburning.co.uk
Including an immediately visible streaming link (preferably Bandcamp or Spotify, but work with what you've got) is VERY helpful. Make sure each track from the record is available to use in Instagram Stories, and include the words Daily Showcase in the email title, which will more than likely get your music heard sooner. I don't often reply to submissions, but If I do feature your record, you'll know about it because I'll tag you on Instagram.
I don't mind getting emails from diligent PR outlets, but if I get sent the same press release multiple times, I am now ruthlessly marking as SPAM in my inbox. Just an FYI.

Who illustrated the covers for the old compilations?

The compilation project was extremely fortunate to have some hugely talented illustrators involved. Check them out: Ann-Sofie Vejs (Beautiful Songwriting / Logo) Áďa Vychopňová (Alternative Melodies / Oneiric Escapism) Gillian Ho (Oneiric Escapism) Hynek Šnajdr (Oneiric Escapism)

Who runs this project?

Hi, I'm Jamie, and I trawl through Bandcamp so you don't have to.
© 2023 A Lonely Ghost Burning. All rights reserved.